
Jujutsu Kaisen is an anime that took the anime world by storm in a brief period. Originally published as a manga in 2018, “Jujutsu Kaizen” didn’t take much time to be adapted as an animated series. After a successful season 1 and a victorious movie release, fans are now anticipating the release date of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2.

Jujutsu Kaisen is a dark fantasy story where the environment and the world are set around evil spirits and dark magic. There are “Curses” in the storyline, powers owned by the sorcerers, and some evil spirits. The series did well in captivating anime lovers with its cutting-edge animation and great comic timings.

Director and Crew
Directed by Sunghoo Park
Produced by Hiroaki Matsutani ,Makoto Kimura ,Toshihiro Maeda ,Yoshiaki Takagaki ,Yuriha Murai
Written by Hiroshi Seko
Music by Hiroaki Tsutsumi ,Yoshimasa Terui, Alisa Okehazama

This fantasy anime aired on 3rd October 2020 and had 24 episodes. The series ended on 27th March 2021. If you are wondering about season 2 and the plot, along with the cast list, you’ve come to the right place! Keep calm and enjoy the article while I give you all the information you need to know.

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Cast

Character Japanese Voice Actor (Seiyū) English Voice Actor
Yūji Itadori Junya Enoki Adam McArthur
Satoru Gojō Yūichi Nakamura Kaiji Tang
Megumi Ishiguro Yūma Uchida Robbie Daymond
Nobara Kugisaki Asami Seto Annie Yatco
Ryōmen Sukuna Jun’ichi Suwabe Ray Chase
Toge Inumaki Kōki Uchiyama Xander Mobus
Kento Nanami Kenjirō Tsuda David Vincent
Panda Tomokazu Seki Matthew David Rudd
Aoi Tōdō Subaru Kimura Xander Mobus
Maki Zen’in Mikako Komatsu Laura Post

The Synopsis

Jujutsu Kaisen is a dark fantasy anime with an interesting plot. The story is about a young protagonist named “Yuji Itadori” who gets himself into a situation where he needs to save his friends by eating a powerful cursed object; what that means is either he will die of that cursed object, or if his body sustains it, he will become the host of a powerful and evil curse spirit named Ryomen Sukuna.

In saving his friends from an evil spirit, he loses control over himself, and the evil Curse Sukuna takes control of Yuji’s body, making him go berzerk.

Meanwhile, Satoru Gojo, the most beloved character of the entire series, makes an appearance in the scene. His entry, along with his flabbergasting dialogue and charming personality, is very enticing. He is the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer in the series and has a huge amount of cursed energy. He can use the power of Domain Expansion multiple times a day.

Gojo got the situation under control and later came up with the idea of training Yuji and holding him until they found all of Sukuna’s cursed fingers.

Satoru Gojo took Yuji to the “Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School,” where they trained sorcerers to manage curse energy and fight evil curses and spirits.

The first season continued with the adventures of Yuji and his evil host, sukuna, and there’s a lot more to unfold in the coming season. But when will season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen come out? Follow the article to know about it.

jujutsu kaisen season 2 release date

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Release Date

After the movie was very successful, the production team arranged a success party. It was a stage event, and Crunchyroll confirmed that season two of the series is under production. Soon, fans will be able to see season 2. They stated that the release would be roughly around 2023.

The stage event also mentioned the series’ voice actors and confirmed that MAPPA was the animation studio behind season 1. MAPPA will also animate the second season. Thus, we can expect some action-packed and enticing visuals.

Season 2 Probable Plot

In the first season, we see Yuji become the host of the evil Curse Sukuna; surprisingly, his body can hold the Curse inside. Gojo uses this ability to control the Curse inside him. He convinces him to go to the “Tokyo Metropolitan curse Technical school” and train, find all the other fingers of Curse Sukuna, eat them, and contain them inside him.

Yuji agreed, and his adventure began. He started searching for Sukuna’s other fingers, and in between this, he, along with Nobara and Megumi, went through many personal challenges.

Season 1 ended with the episode where Yuji and Nobara defeated the evil curse brothers “Death Paintings.” Death Paintings were two human brothers who were turned into curses and had to be eliminated. Later, Yuji meets with an old friend of his, Yuko, who was his classmate and had a massive crush on him.

Season 2 of the anime will have a “Shibuya Incident” arc. This arc will be like a roller-coaster ride regarding action and animations. If the series follows the manga, the next episodes will be about epic battles with powerful curses, and Yuji will lead the sorcerer team. This season will witness significant losses and victories, but I can tell you without spoilers that this season will be a feast to watch and will have lasting effects on us Jujutsu Kaisen fans.

Do You Need to Watch the Latest Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Before Watching Season 2?

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a prequel to the main series, and it is unnecessary to watch it before starting season 2. But the Movie is recommended if you are a Jujutsu Kiasen fan.

The Movie dives deep into the side characters and doesn’t need your view if you want to watch season 2 and have watched season 1. Nevertheless, it is always going to be much more straightforward to see an anime with additional information.

Manga lovers and fellow anime enthusiasts always try to learn more about the back story of different characters, and that is a wise thing to do when you want to dive into the anime story. This helps comprehend the base of the characters and the “why” behind their actions. Thus, if you like watching the animation and the story intrigues you, watch the Movie without a second doubt. But if you want to enjoy the anime fast due to time restrictions, skipping the movie won’t make you feel like you are missing out on something.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When Does Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Come Out?

As mentioned in a staged event by Crunchyroll, it will be released between December 2022 and March 2023.

2. New Episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen Are Released on Which Day?

New episodes are released on Fridays.

3. Is There a Prequel to Jujutsu Kaisen Anime?

The manga’s prequel, volume 0, mainly focuses on Yuta Okkotsu and Gojo. The series was initially named “Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical School.” This particular volume takes place one year before the main series.

4. Is Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Already Written?

The story arc for Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 was written in early 2021, and there is a lot of manga left to be adapted into anime.

5. Why does Sotoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen cover his eyes with a scarf?

Gojo must cover his eyes with a scarf because using it would tire him out too quickly. His family has a trait called Six Eyes, passed from generation to generation. It belongs to the Gojo family of ocular jujutsu.

Final Words

This article was all about Jujutsu Kaisen season 2. I have provided all the relevant information regarding season 2 here in one piece. Also, I have covered Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, all recent updates, and the probable plot. Season 2 will be an enticing adventure, with many new plot twists already mentioned in the manga. I hope this blog helped you find answers to the questions you had regarding Jujustu Kaizen season 2. That’s all for today. Thank you for your precious time. Ciao!

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