
The astonishing Japanese manga series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge, has a spectacular collection of stories.

The story follows the life cycle of Tanjiro Kamado, who earns the title of a Demon slayer after his family’s assassination. His younger sister Nezuka also becomes a demon slayer. Tanjiro role evolves as a protagonist in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

The anime series is also going to its season 2 production; this season will cover half of the manga stories. There are 205 chapters, out of which 99 chapters have been incorporated in the first two seasons so far from Entertainment District Arc.

The anime series has attained massive success through exciting action sequences and thrilling events that will startle every fan. Tanjiro is only 13 years old in the first chapter, and by the fifth chapter, he is 15 years old, entering his teenage days. Subsequently, he is 17 years old in the penultimate chapter of the series.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has a tremendous screenplay, with tons of stunning visual effects and animation, thanks to the great action and hustle. However, this is just the beginning of Tanjiro as a role model. There are still many chapters that the showmakers might explore to incorporate other key characters and events into this fantastic anime.

Through this article, we will talk about the unique world of Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba and its prime character Tanjiro Kamado’s life events.

How Old Are Tanjiro and Nezuka in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba?

Most of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba revolves around Tanjiro, who aspires to become a Demon Slayer. The aspiration is due to the killing of his parents by a demon slayer named Kibutsuji Muzan. Therefore, he wants to avenge his parent’s death and is determined to turn his younger sister, Nezuka, back into a human.


Many characters in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba look younger, and it is hard to tell their exact age. For instance, Nezuka Kamado is the most youthful character in a whole lot of characters; she was just 12 when his parents were slaughtered. According to the story, Tanjiro was just 13 years old when his parents were killed, and Nezuka was a year younger.

After this, Giya Tomioka recruits Tanjiro Kamado into the Demon Slayer Corps, and Tanjiro turns Nezuka back into a human. However, when Tanjiro tries to find ways to express his grudge against his parents’ murderer and turn his sister back into human form, Tanjiro meets other Demon Slayers. These characters play an integral part in the plot and help build the story.

Throughout the series, you will meet Demon Slayers like Tanjiro, who is pretty young to clash against evil demon powers. However, you will find it quite confusing to tell the exact ages of the other anime characters since some are old yet look young. You might be thinking about how they roam about half of Japan and fight the powerful forces of demonic rule at this young age. However, it is familiar with Shonen characters, who do the unthinkable every time you drop your lashes.

Therefore, age is a determining factor, so we have to take a quick look at the statistics of the demon Slayer character.

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