
Akame Ga Kill! is an anime show that pulls you in with its action but keeps you hooked with its characters. Each one brings something important to the table, and their development plays a huge role in driving the story forward. Whether it’s the main cast or supporting roles, every character adds depth and meaning to the series.

In this article, we’ll examine these characters in more detail, examining their motivations and how they shape the overall plot.

What is Akame Ga Kill?

Akame Ga Kill! is a Japanese manga series written by Takahiro and illustrated by Tetsuya Tashiro. It was serialized from 2010 to 2016 and adapted into an anime series in 2014.

The story is set in a fictional empire plagued by corruption and follows Tatsumi, a young fighter who joins a group of assassins called Night Raid. Night Raid’s mission is to overthrow the corrupt government and bring justice to the empire.

The series is known for its dark themes, intense action, and unexpected character deaths, making it stand out in the shounen genre. Akame, the titular character, is one of Night Raid’s most skilled assassins and wields a cursed sword with deadly power.

List of Akame Ga Kill! Characters

Night Raid Members

Name Weapon/Teigu Role Description
Akame Murasame Assassin Lethal assassin with a complex background.
Tatsumi Incursio Warrior Country boy turned revolutionary, fights for justice.
Mine Pumpkin Sniper Uses Pumpkin, a spirit-powered machine gun.
Leone Lionel Fighter Fun-loving fighter, transforms into a beast-like figure.
Sheele Extase Combatant Calm and collected, wields giant scissors.
Lubbock Cross Tail Manipulator Playful member, uses wire-based Teigu for combat.
Najenda None Leader Former Imperial general, now Night Raid’s leader.
Bulat Incursio Mentor Chivalrous mentor, wields powerful armor.
Susanoo Susanoo Fighter Enigmatic character with immense strength.
Chelsea Doppel Spy Infiltrator using Doppel for disguises.

Notable Villains

Name Role Weapon/Teigu Description
Prime Minister Honest Corrupt Mastermind None Manipulative and power-hungry, causes Empire’s corruption.
The Emperor (Makoto) Empire Ruler None Weak ruler relying on advisors.
Zank The Beheader High-ranking Officer Beheader’s Axe Brutal officer known for decapitation.
Esdeath Empire General Demon’s Extract Controls ice, embodies power and conflict.
Aria Jaeger Warrior Unknown Skilled fighter with dedication to the Empire.
Captain Ogre Empire Captain Massive Club Ruthless captain with immense strength.
Three Beasts Elite Warriors Various Serve under Esdeath, each with a powerful Teigu.


Name Teigu Role Description
Wave Grand Chariot Moral Soldier Justice-driven character wielding armor-based Teigu.
Kurome Yatsufusa Empire Assassin Akame’s sister, controls corpses of those she killed.
Seryu Ubiquitous Hekatonkheires Empire Officer Fanatically loyal officer with a biological Teigu.
Stylish Perfector Mad Scientist Obsessed with body modification and soldier creation.
Run Mastema Strategist Intelligent strategist with feather-based attacks.
Bols Rubicante Fighter Wields a flamethrower, warm-hearted yet intimidating.

Night Raid Members

Night Raid members are the main characters of the manga series. They are the team of assassins who help the Revolutionary Army to overthrow the corrupt minister and restore peace.

1. Akame


Akame is the primary protagonist in Akame Ga Kill! She is a lethal assassin working for the Revolutionary Army’s Night Raid. Her background is complex; she once served the Empire she now fights against. Armed with Murasame, a cursed sword that kills anyone it cuts, Akame is a silent, calculated killer.

Despite her stoic exterior, Akame is deeply caring and protective of her comrades. Her emotional guard is often up, yet her compassion shows in small moments. You see her struggle between duty and personal emotions, which adds depth to her character.

2. Tatsumi


Tatsumi is the heart of the show, a country boy turned revolutionary. After losing his friends to the Empire’s corruption, he joins Night Raid to fight for justice. He wields Incursio, a powerful armor Teigu that enhances his strength and durability.

What makes Tatsumi special is his relentless drive to protect others. He’s brave and morally upright, never losing sight of his goals, even in the face of immense challenges. His growth throughout the series shows his inner strength and his commitment to making a difference.

3. Mine


Mine starts as one of Night Raid’s coldest members, but her character softens over time, especially through her relationship with Tatsumi. As the sniper of the group, her weapon of choice is Pumpkin, a spirit-powered machine gun that grows stronger depending on the user’s emotions.

Mine’s background of facing discrimination motivates her to fight for a better world. Her strong will and passionate personality drive her actions, whether on the battlefield or in her personal connections. Her transformation is one of the more emotional arcs in the series.

4. Leone


Leone brings a lively, big-sister energy to Night Raid. She grew up in poverty, but her life changed after she killed a corrupt aristocrat and became an assassin. Her weapon, Lionel, transforms her into a beast-like figure, giving her incredible physical strength.

Leone’s loyalty to her friends and her fun-loving nature makes her stand out. She’s always fearless in battle but equally enjoys relaxing with her comrades. Her courage and carefree attitude are a constant source of support for the team.

5. Sheele


Sheele is one of Night Raid’s calmest and most collected members. Her gentle demeanor contrasts with her deadly abilities in combat. She wields Extase, giant scissors capable of cutting through anything. She discovered her killing abilities after defending her friend from an abusive partner, which led her to join Night Raid.

Despite her combat prowess, Sheele is clumsy and sweet outside of battle, making her a lovable yet tragic character. Her presence is both calming and unsettling due to the stark contrast between her kindness and lethality.

6. Lubbock


Lubbock is the playful and lighthearted member of Night Raid, known for his easygoing personality. Despite his laid-back attitude, he’s a skilled fighter who uses Cross Tail, a wire-based Teigu, for manipulation and combat.

Beneath his cheerful exterior, Lubbock is deeply committed to the Revolutionary Army and his comrades. His humor often masks the serious responsibilities he carries. He may joke around, but when it comes to protecting those he cares about, he never hesitates.

7. Najenda


Najenda is the leader of Night Raid and a former Imperial general who defected to join the Revolutionary Army. She’s pragmatic, strategic, and deeply cares for her team, though she rarely shows emotion. Her experience in the Empire makes her a valuable leader, always thinking several steps ahead.

Najenda’s calm demeanor and unshakable resolve help guide Night Raid through their toughest battles. While she may seem distant, her loyalty to the cause and her comrades is undeniable.

8. Bulat


Bulat is a former Imperial soldier who refuses to join Night Raid, becoming one of Tatsumi’s closest mentors. Known for his chivalrous personality and unwavering loyalty to his comrades, Bulat is one of the most honorable characters in “Akame Ga Kill!” He wields Incursio, a powerful Teigu armor that grants him enhanced strength, speed, and defense.

Beneath his tough exterior, Bulat is compassionate and deeply protective of those he cares about. He plays a crucial role in guiding Tatsumi, teaching him both the importance of strength and the value of fighting for justice.

9. Susanoo


Susanoo is a powerful and enigmatic character in “Akame Ga Kill!” He is one of the top members of the Jaegers, an elite group of assassins working for the Empire. His weapon, also named Susanoo, is a massive Teigu that grants him immense strength and durability.

Susanoo’s imposing physical presence and combat skills make him a formidable foe on the battlefield. His Teigu allows him to transform into a giant, heavily armored form, enhancing his power and defensive capabilities. This transformation not only increases his physical strength but also makes him nearly invulnerable to most attacks.

10. Chelsea


Chelsea is a memorable character in “Akame Ga Kill!” and is known for her unique abilities and tragic storyline. Chelsea wields the Teigu, “Doppel,” which allows her to change her appearance and disguise herself as anyone she chooses. This power is instrumental in her role as a spy and infiltrator within the Empire.

Her background reveals a life marked by hardship and a deep desire for justice. Chelsea’s decision to join Night Raid stems from her frustration with the corruption she witnessed and her determination to fight against it. Her ability to blend into different environments and gather vital information makes her an invaluable asset to the team.

Notable Villains

Here is the list of some notable villains in Akame Ga Kill!

1. Prime Minister Honest

Prime Minister Honest

Prime Minister Honest is the corrupt mastermind behind much of the Empire’s suffering. He’s manipulative, power-hungry, and lacks any moral compass, making him one of the most despised characters in “Akame Ga Kill!” His greed and desire for control are the root of the Empire’s corruption, and he uses those around him to maintain his grip on power.

Honest’s cruelty knows no bounds, and his cunning nature allows him to remain in control while others fight and die for his cause. He’s the primary source of evil within the Empire, and his manipulations affect nearly every character in the series. His ability to remain in power despite the suffering of the people makes him a formidable villain, symbolizing the deep corruption at the heart of the Empire.

2. The Emperor (Makoto)

The Emperor (Makoto)

The Emperor, known as Makoto, is the ruler of the Empire in “Akame Ga Kill!” Although not as prominently featured as some other characters, his influence is significant. Makoto’s character embodies the ultimate source of tyranny and corruption in the Empire.

Makoto is often depicted as a weak, indecisive figure who relies heavily on his advisors and generals to maintain control. This dependency on others highlights his lack of true leadership qualities and moral fortitude. He is seen more as a puppet in the hands of powerful individuals like Honest and Esdeath rather than a strong ruler.

3. Zank The Beheader

Zank The Beheader

Zank the Beheader is a formidable antagonist in “Akame Ga Kill!” known for his terrifying presence and ruthless demeanor. As a high-ranking officer in the Empire, Zank is feared for his brutal methods and unwavering loyalty to his superiors. His title, “The Beheader,” reflects his primary combat style, which involves wielding a massive axe designed specifically for decapitation.

Zank’s weapon, the Beheader’s Axe, is a Teigu that enhances his strength and lethality. This weapon allows him to deliver devastating blows, making him a significant threat in battle. His fighting skills and strategic mind make him a dangerous opponent, capable of turning the tide of combat in his favor.

4. Esdeath


Esdeath is the series’ main antagonist and one of the Empire’s most powerful generals. Raised in harsh, unforgiving conditions, she believes in the survival of the fittest. Her weapon, Demon’s Extract, allows her to control ice, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Despite her ruthless nature, Esdeath’s obsession with Tatsumi adds complexity to her character. Her cruel and sadistic tendencies contrast with her strange, almost affectionate feelings for him. She’s one of the most dangerous yet intriguing villains, embodying both power and emotional conflict.

5. Aria


Aria is a character who plays a significant role in the narrative of “Akame Ga Kill!” She is a member of the Empire’s elite group known as the Jaegers. As a skilled warrior with exceptional abilities, Aria stands out due to her unique weapon and combat skills.

Aria’s background is marked by her dedication to the Empire’s cause, where she is often seen executing missions with precision and efficiency. Her weapon, which she wields with expertise, enhances her combat capabilities, allowing her to handle high-stakes situations easily. This effectiveness makes her a valuable asset to the Empire and a formidable opponent for the Night Raid.

6. Captain Ogre

Captain Ogre

Captain Ogre is a major antagonist within the series. Known for his imposing physical presence and ruthless demeanor, He is a key figure in the Empire’s military. His role as a captain in the Jaegers, an elite unit of the Empire, positions him as one of the primary enforcers of its oppressive regime.

Ogre is distinguished by his sheer strength and combat skills. His weapon, a massive club, complements his immense physical power, making him a fearsome opponent in battle. His brutal and straightforward fighting style relies on raw strength to overpower enemies rather than finesse or strategy, making him a direct and dangerous threat to anyone who stands in his way.

7. Three Beasts

Three Beasts

The Three Beasts in Akame Ga Kill! are a group of elite warriors serving under Esdeath. They are highly skilled fighters, each wielding powerful Teigu, and are tasked with carrying out missions for the Empire. Here’s a brief overview of each member;

  • Daidara: Daidara is a battle-hungry warrior who enjoys fighting strong opponents. His Teigu, Belvaac, is a giant battle axe that can extend its reach, allowing him to attack from a distance. Daidara’s personality is centered around seeking worthy opponents, and his arrogance often drives him into dangerous situations.
  • Nyau: Nyau is a sadistic member of the Three Beasts, known for his cruelty. His Teigu, Scream, is a flute that can manipulate the emotions of others, either terrifying them or driving them mad. Nyau’s love for causing pain and suffering makes him a disturbing character.
  • Liver: Liver is a former naval officer with a strong sense of loyalty to Esdeath. His Teigu, Black Marlin, allows him to manipulate liquids, including blood, making him a dangerous opponent in battle. Liver’s past and loyalty to Esdeath are central to his motivations, and he fights fiercely for her cause.

8. Jaegers


The Jaegers in Akame Ga Kill! are a group of elite soldiers assembled by Esdeath to counter Night Raid, the Revolutionary Army’s assassination squad. Each member wields a powerful Teigu, making them formidable opponents. Here’s a quick breakdown of the main Jaegers;

  • Wave: A kind-hearted, justice-driven character, Wave is one of the more moral individuals in the Empire. He wields the Grand Chariot, a powerful armor-based Teigu similar to Tatsumi’s Incursion.
  • Kurome: The younger sister of Akame, Kurome is an assassin for the Empire. Her Teigu, Yatsufusa, allows her to control the corpses of those she has killed, turning them into puppets.
  • Seryu Ubiquitous: As a fanatically loyal officer of the Empire, Seryu uses the biological Teigu Hekatonkheires, turning her into a powerful and violent weapon. She is driven by her extreme version of justice, making her one of the most unpredictable and ruthless Jaegers.
  • Stylish: The group’s mad scientist, Dr. Stylish, is obsessed with creating powerful soldiers and conducting unethical experiments. His Teigu, Perfector, allows him to modify his body at will, turning him into a versatile and dangerous foe.
  • Run: Run is an intelligent and calm strategist who is loyal to Esdeath but with his own agenda. His Teigu, Mastema, grants him the ability to fly and unleash powerful feather-based attacks.
  • Bols: A seemingly intimidating figure with a warm heart, Bols wields the Teigu Rubicante, a flamethrower capable of devastating attacks.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the strongest character in Akame Ga Kill!?

Esdeath is considered one of the strongest characters due to her powerful Teigu, Demon’s Extract, which gives her the ability to control ice.

2. What is a Teigu?

A Teigu is a legendary weapon in Akame Ga Kill! that grants its user special powers. These weapons were crafted from rare materials, such as powerful Danger Beasts or mystical substances, making them extremely potent in battle.

3. What happens to Tatsumi in Akame Ga Kill?

Tatsumi undergoes significant character development throughout the series. Starting as a naive country boy, he grows into a skilled warrior after joining Night Raid. His goal to overthrow the corrupt Empire drives him, and over time, he gains strength, wisdom, and resilience.

4. What is Night Raid’s mission?

Night Raid is an assassination group allied with the Revolutionary Army. Their mission is to overthrow the corrupt Empire by eliminating high-ranking officials responsible for the suffering of the people.

5. Who is Kurome in Akame Ga Kill!?

Kurome is Akame’s younger sister and a member of the Empire’s assassination unit. She wields Yatsufusa, a sword that can resurrect corpses. Her internal conflict, torn between loyalty to the Empire and her sister, is central to her character.

6. What are the Jaegers?

The Jaegers are a group of elite soldiers created by the Empire to counter the Revolutionary Army’s Night Raid. Led by Esdeath, the Jaegers consist of powerful fighters, each wielding a Teigu. Though their goals align with the Empire, several members, like Wave, show moral complexity.

Wrapping Up

The characters in Akame Ga Kill! Bring the series to life with their unique abilities, deep motivations, and complex relationships. Each character plays a vital role in highlighting the show’s core themes of loyalty, justice, sacrifice, and moral ambiguity.

From Akame’s stoic nature and emotional battles to Esdeath’s brutal strength and obsessive love, every individual adds something significant to the unfolding story.

The balance between intense action and emotional depth makes Akame Ga Kill! a series worth diving into. The struggles between right and wrong, loyalty to friends, and dedication to a cause keep viewers hooked from start to finish.

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